Trivia Crack: The Newest Addiction

Trivia Crack: The Newest Addiction

There is a new game addiction at Southern Lehigh. And no, it is not on our school laptops to distract us from learning.  Accessible by smartphone, the game is called “Trivia Crack.”

You ask friends or random opponents to play a game against you. Then, you spin a wheel, and land on one of six categories: history, science, sports, art, geography and entertainment. It is also possible to land on a crown, where you can win a category figure of your choice if you answer correctly. Another option if you land on the crown is to challenge a friend with a series of questions. If you do not land on the crown, you must get three answers right in order to gain a character figure or challenge a friend.

“I think the kids are really into it and enjoy it; [they] challenge each other and ask teachers to play with them,” Spanish teacher Mrs. Jennifer Jaen said. “I’ve only played it for one day, but it wasn’t successful.”

There are twenty-five rounds per game. If you answer a question correctly, you get to spin again and keep going until you answer incorrectly. When you get an answer wrong or run out of time, the round is over. If you win a character in all six categories, you win.

Questions are contributed by users of the game. If you run out of lives, you have to wait an hour or pay 99 cents to re-fill your lives. If you wait an hour, you gain a life back.

“Trivia Crack is addicting because it is fun to play with against your friends and win,” junior Sanjay Deel said. “It also makes you feel smart when you know all the answers.”

Unlike most addicting games, this game is educational. It asks legitimate questions that you would learn in a history or a physics class. You could even learn something interesting or mind-blowing that you’ve never even thought would be true.

“When you get an answer wrong, it tells you the right answer and you remember it,” junior Clark Amory said. “The stuff you learn is useful for school.”