Green Proves His Excellence Once Again


John Green’s excellence was proven once again in his sixth novel, “Turtles All the Way Down.”

Green is a well-accomplished author, as he has also written several popular novels like “Looking for Alaska,” “An Abundance of Katherines,” “Paper Towns,” and “The Fault in Our Stars.” He also co-authored “Will Grayson, Will Grayson” with David Levithan. In addition to writing books, Green is also part of the Vlogbrothers, an online video project, and he co-created the educational video series “Crash Course.”

“Turtles All the Way Down” centers on sixteen-year-old Aza Holmes and her best friend, Daisy, as they hunt for local billionaire Russell Pickett, who is on the run from the law, to earn a $100,000 reward. The only problem is that Aza has an irrational fear of a disease known as Clostridium difficile, an intestinal disease often obtained after a hospital stay or a lengthy antibiotic regimen, and because of her anxiety she is sometimes unable to focus on anything other than her fear. She calls these unique moments “thought spirals.” They happen sporadically and leave as abruptly as they came, and they become increasingly debilitating and affect Aza’s every choice and action.

“Turtles All the Way Down” offers an eye-opening look at mental illness. Anxiety is not something that we should roll our eyes at and assume that “it’s all in their head.” It is in their head, but is there anything scarier than not being able to control your own mind? This question is debated throughout the book. Those who enjoy a refreshing angle on an old topic, as well as true blue John Green fans, will love to laugh and cry with “Turtles All the Way Down.”

Overall, I would rate this book 9/10 for its sympathetic look at mental illness, great character development, and well conducted plot.