Ms. Laura Jungblut Fills Role as Math Lab Coordinator

Evelyn Blower

Ms. Jungblut encourages students to ask for help

For students struggling with math, going to room 211 might be your saving grace. Ms. Laura Jungblut has joined the Southern Lehigh High math department in the role of math lab teacher.

This year, Southern Lehigh added a math lab and writing center intended to provide assistance for students who need extra help. These two subjects tend to be the most difficult for students, and when teachers are busy with fulfilling state requirements as well as their general workload, these labs can be resources for students to use at their will.

Ms. Jungblut is a graduate of East Stroudsburg University, and holds a Bachelor’s degree in Mathematics in Secondary Education. She brings this education to assist any student in any level of mathematics.

 “People can come to me for really any class in math, and if there is some algebra content in the physics classes, any classes can come see me,” she said. 

As part of the math department, Ms. Jungblut helps other teachers with tutoring, grading (though she gives no grades herself), test taking, SAT or ACT help, and all things math. 

“I hope I can just bring that extra support, because I know when it comes to math, when you need help with an assignment or studying, you kind of need help in that moment or else you forget about it,” she said. “Say you’re in study hall, and chances are, teachers are in the middle of class, [you think] ‘well now who do I go to?’, so I hope I am that ‘in the moment’ help and allow the students to make more connections.”

Ms. Jungblut hopes to inspire others to enjoy math the same way she does. In her view, for some teens, math is a “love it or hate it” subject, and she wants to help students be on the love side of things. Math became her favorite subject around middle school, when making connections between puzzles and math clicked with her. She hopes to bring as much support as she can while students navigate their own math classes.

“The best advice I can give is to not give up, and always ask questions,” she said. “It might seem like the silliest of questions or it’s not important, but chances are, if you have those questions there’s probably five other people in the class that have that question but don’t want to ask. Don’t give up, ask questions, talk it out, because if you don’t, you’re never gonna keep going.”

Outside of her math lab, Ms. Jungblut is a lover of music and theatre. She is planning to help out with Southern Lehigh’s theatre program, including the play and spring musical. She adores all things Disney, and enjoys spending time outdoors, gardening and playing with her neighbor’s dog. 

Ms. Jungblut is available every block, unless she is assisting another class, and also during Spartan periods 3-6. 

“Say [a student] knows they have a math test, they can always get extra help,” she said. “[211] is a small room, but you can drop in quickly in the mornings, and I’m here until 3 pm, so please stop in.”

If students are interested in stopping by the math lab for help, taking a test, working through a grade that a student received, or overall math assistance, just complete a drop in form to let Ms. Jungblut know of your interest, and reason for stopping in.