Longtime Principal Leaves Southern Lehigh High School


Southern Lehigh High School principal Mrs. Christine Siegfried has issued a resignation from her administrative position, effective July 1. The school board accepted her resignation in a voting meeting on February 26, 2018.

“I will definitely miss the staff and students,” she said. “I think that we’ve done so much over the time that I’ve been here to really improve the education that we offer to our students.”

Mrs. Siegfried has been with the Southern Lehigh School District since 1999. She served as an assistant principal at the high school before being promoted to principal in 2003.

“My favorite memory is really just being a Spartan and celebrating the traditions that we have and how they have transformed over the years: picnic day to carnival day, the pep rallies and what they’ve become,” she said. “I’ve also always enjoyed graduation and seeing kids reach their potential to succeed and get ready to take that next step and start the next journey in life.”

Her proudest accomplishments include successfully revising the high school curriculum to match state standards, constantly updating the Program of Studies to incorporate relevant courses in a fast-changing world, implementing an AB block schedule, and creating a 1:1 laptop system that she believes “really transformed the way students learn and the way teachers teach.”

She is also especially proud of the successful enrichment and mediation dynamics of the Spartan period that was implemented in conjunction with a block schedule.

“I think teachers were very creative in the different offerings to help develop students’ interests and really make connections and establish relationships with students,” she said. “There’s so much more in that enrichment and mediation period than just enrichment and mediation. You might sign up for a spartan period offered by a teacher that you don’t have, but you’ll end up developing a relationship with them anyway.”

On April 26, 2018, she was officially appointed middle school principal for the Upper Perkiomen School District with an annual salary of $135,000 following the resignation of former middle school principal Jeffrey Fries.

“I’m looking forward to working with middle school students and using what I know they need at that level to be prepared for high school to help them really develop their skills and talents for future success in high school,” Mrs. Siegfried said.

In a school board meeting from April 23, 2018, Saucon Valley High School principal Mrs. Beth Guarriello was voted to replace Mrs. Siegfried as Southern Lehigh High School principal.

As Mrs. Siegfried says goodbye to the Spartans, she offers a few helpful words of advice that she hopes students will always remember wherever life takes them: “Always strive to do your best. Treat people how they would wanna be treated. Give back in any way that you can. And just a good person all around.”