The student news site of Southern Lehigh High School

The Spotlight

The student news site of Southern Lehigh High School

The Spotlight

The student news site of Southern Lehigh High School

The Spotlight

Farewell to Mrs. Ciotti hello to Mrs. Fox

Nicole Zweifel
Mrs. Ciotti shows off her favorite saying, reminding others to stay true to themselves.

After twenty-four years of teaching at Southern Lehigh High School, Mrs. Sheryl Ciotti has made the decision to transfer to the district’s middle school as a seventh grade English teacher. 

“I never wanted to become a complacent teacher,” Mrs. Ciotti said. “After teaching many of the works for countless years, I felt myself heading in that direction. I knew at that moment a change was necessary.”

During her time at the high school, Mrs. Ciotti contributed in many ways by not only being a teacher, but also as a club advisor making Southern Lehigh a better school for the students. She has made many connections with faculty members and students, showing her devotion to her job during her time here at the high school.

“I will especially miss the students I have forged a relationship with over the years, in addition to the many colleagues and friends I have made throughout my duration here,” Mrs. Ciotti said. “Southern Lehigh has become a home away from home. Leaving my SLHS bestie, Mrs. [Kelly] Howsare, is extremely difficult.”

Although making this transition was not an easy decision, she knew this change was necessary for her and she is ready to embark on a new chapter in her life at the middle school. Mrs. Ciotti is looking forward to working with younger learners and hopes to fuel their love for reading and writing during their formative years. 

“One piece of advice I would like to leave my [high school] students with is, first, remember to take a minute to observe the world around you, and see how you can turn the rocks of your day into gold,” Mrs. Ciotti said. “Secondly, as Polonius said,  ‘remember, this above all: to thine own self be true.’”

Taking over Mrs. Ciotti’s position at the high school is Mrs. Ella Fox, the newest member of the English department. 

“I heard it was a great school district and they value their students’ experience,” said Mrs. Fox, “which is important to me.”

Mrs. Fox attended Queens University of Charlotte with a major in education. She first worked as an instructional assistant in the Pennridge School District, and later taught English at Pennridge South Middle School for three months. She also worked as an English and social studies teacher at Souderton Charter School.

“The people I worked with and the students are what I am going to miss most about my previous school,” Mrs. Fox said. “I went to that school, so there are just a lot of personal memories there.”

However, Mrs. Fox is excited for a fresh start and anticipates many new experiences.

“I am looking forward to learning more about Southern Lehigh and learning more about my students,” she said. “I am looking forward to seeing the different traditions in this district, and becoming a member of the SLHS family.”

About the Contributor
Nicole Zweifel
Nicole Zweifel, Staff Reporter
Throughout her last four years at Southern Lehigh, senior Nicole Zweifel has played a vital role in Southern Lehigh’s three publications. She served for two years as co-president of the Art and Literary Club which produces the annual Art and Literary Magazine, collaborated as a member of the Solehian yearbook staff, and reported for the Spotlight student newspaper during her senior year. “In our publications, we’re always working toward an end goal, and it was cool being able to see the end product of all the work we put into writing, reporting, editing, and making pages,” Zweifel said.  In fact, of all the teachers that Nicole has had in high school, there was one in particular that left the strongest impression: Mrs. Sheryl Ciotti, who served as the advisor for the Art and Lit Magazine. “Mrs. Ciotti has been a teacher in all aspects of my life,” Zweifel said. “She has always been very encouraging to me, and I made great memories with her through Art and Lit.” Naturally, Nicole’s favorite article to write for the Spotlight this year was “Farewell to Mrs. Ciotti, hello to Mrs. Fox,” which commemorated Mrs. Sheryl Ciotti’s time at Southern Lehigh High School before transferring to the district’s middle school, and introduced Mrs. Ella Fox as the high school’s newest English teacher.  Additionally, Nicole’s step-sister, who works as an environmental lawyer, has served as an irreplaceable role model in Nicole’s life by being supportive and influencing Nicole to have a strong work ethic.  As she reflects on the last four years, Zweifel notes that some of her favorite high school memories include attending pep rallies and Art and Literary Club Coffee Houses. “These were really fun experiences where we got to rally around each other as a community and see people’s talents shine in a supportive environment,” Zweifel said. After graduating, Zweifel plans to attend Northampton Community College and then continue her education at a university to study psychology with a focus on rehabilitation and human services. She found that after taking psychology in her junior year with social studies teacher Mr. Troy Ruch, she enjoyed learning about the brain and the complexities of human interactions.  “I think a career in which I am able to help other people would be very fulfilling,” Zweifel said.  Nicole dreams of going on a missionary experience with her church while traveling the world. She has also expressed interest in writing a book. “I just want to help others and serve my community,” she said. To underclassmen, Nicole leaves one last piece of advice. “Keep trying and never give up, because giving up will get you nowhere in life, and trying will at least get you somewhere.”