Instagram is one of the most popular social networks used today but, just like every other social network, there are “unnecessary” posts. So what should you post and what shouldn’t post on Instagram?
Don’t: Food posts
I think I speak for everyone when I say that the most annoying Instagram posts are the food posts. No one cares what you had for dinner. There’s no need to take a photo of your steak.
Do: Vacation posts
Everyone likes to see a different and new environment. Even though we may be a little jealous that you’re in Disney or somewhere warm, we still enjoy living vicariously through your vacation photos! Added bonus: vacation photos always get the most likes!
Don’t: Weather posts
Everyone has the capability of seeing the weather. If they care, they will look themselves. There’s no need for 30 pictures of the snow, or 30 pictures of the sunrise/sunset.
Do: Fashion posts
Fashion posts are always interesting because everyone has a different sense of style, and it’s interesting to see them. Fashion posts can even give you new ideas for your outfits.
Don’t: Hipster posts
Just because you have the app and can filter your photos does not make you a photographer or a hipster. No one wants to see a photo of your couch filtered with depressing song lyrics as the caption and the hashtag “hipster.” Your couch is actually quite mainstream.
Do: Music posts
Screenshots of the song you’re currently listening to with the hashtag “now playing” have become quite popular, and they should stay popular. Everyone is always looking for new music to listen to, and these posts could spark ideas.
Instagram is a great social network, and if you use it in the correct way, you can keep people interested, and gain likes and followers! And honestly, everyone loves followers.