What more can be said of the man who single-handedly tried to make a boat out of duct tape? And by single-handedly I mean with one other person. And by tried, I mean never got around to it.
As a senior, this is his first and last year as a member of the newspaper. In his short tenure with the newspaper, Justin has become well known for his unique writing style.
How could one forget the article about the end of the world? A true masterpiece of sarcasm and wit. Telling the story of waking up to nothing more than a bit of fog on the morning when one should have been ducking for cover. Or how about the ones that brought the newest video games to our readers’ attention and the newest movies to movie goers?
Next year, Justin will be taking a siesta to gather money and a car before starting film school in the fall of 2014. He hopes to become a professional video editor and maybe make a movie or two. He also hopes to branch out into the music field by writing a few remixes.
In a few years we may just watch a movie of his or download his next greatest album.